- 你能够很容易地在礁石和礁石边缘的有阳光的部分找到它。
- You can find it easily in sunny areas of the reef and reef fringe .
- 过度捕捞和礁石破坏使大型鱼类和中等体型的鱼类相继陷入灭绝的危险境地,最后剩下的只是一些小鱼。
- Overfishing and reef destruction almost eliminated large fish then medium-sized fish finally leaving only the small ones .
- 犹他州拥有五个国家公园,而卡皮特礁石国家公园是其中开发最少并且最空旷的一个。
- While utah is home to five national parks , capitol reef is the most undeveloped and least crowded .