- 一样的桀骜不驯,一样的强悍,一样的神秘。
- They are the equable obstinate and unruly , equable intrepid , and mystery .
- 一家英国富时100指数成份股公司的一位人力资源经理表示:“除非办公室里有人明显是酩酊大醉,行为失常,否则我们不太可能采取行动。”
- " Unless somebody was unruly and obviously completely inebriated in the office we would be unlikely to take any action , " says one hr manager of a ftse 100 company .
- 由于在上世纪九十年代中期饥荒就夺去了上百万朝鲜居民的生命,一个不断蔓延的、无序的和充满着腐败的私有市场网路已经开始取代政府成为民众获取食物的主要渠道。
- Since famine killed perhaps a million north koreans in the mid-1990s , a sprawling , unruly and often corrupt network of private markets has replaced the government as the prime distributor of food .