- 为什么地狱的颜色是蓝的?
- Why the hell is the sky blue ?
- 他那双愤世嫉俗的蓝眼睛紧盯着我。
- His cynical blue eyes bore into me .
- 过去吉姆就总是喜欢她穿蓝的。
- Jim had always liked her in blue .
- 带绿色的花被片或者黄绿色。
- Tepals greenish or greenish yellow .
- 镜子将光线反射进蚀刻玻璃中,打造出绿莹莹的光滑面。
- The mirrors reflect light into the etched glass , producing a greenish , satiny wall surface .
- 藜属植物中的任何一种,开小绿花。
- Any of various weeds of the genus chenopodium having small greenish flowers .
- 诗人威廉布莱克把学校里的孩子比作笼子里的小鸟。
- The poet william blake likened kids in school to birds in cages .
- 故事中的帕尔默是一位专注的年轻艺术家,他受到了远见卓识之士威廉姆布雷克的鼓舞。
- It is the story of a dedicated young artist who was inspired by a fellow visionary , william blake .
- 正当政府将打击犯罪列为其首要工作之时,布雷克之死在政府高层留下了一个大缺口。
- Mr blake 's death leaves a gap at the top of government , at a time when the fight against crime is first on its agenda .
- 你介怀我明天告假吗?
- Bre you mind if I take tomorrow off ?
- 您是世上最佳的爸爸。
- You bre the best dbd in the world .
- 我原以为快要想到答案了但是现在。
- I thought I was close to a bre , but now .