- 心破碎了真能修补吗?
- Can you really mend a broken heart ?
- 旧的模式已经被打破。
- The old model is broken .
- 我们则打破了这个过程。
- We 've broken apart this process .
- 她真正获得的爱慕却零星分散。
- The affection she actually received was fragmentary .
- 我最初的记忆纷乱而零碎,没有时间的概念,如同人们对于创世七日之初的模糊印象。
- My first memories are fragmentary and isolated and contemporaneous , as though one remembered vaguely some early day of the seven days .
- 诺兰选择的方法是将场景分解为行凶场面和各种线索的快闪片断,比如涂抹过的指甲,一串项链。
- Nolan chose to break up scenes with fragmentary flashes of the crime and of clues-painted nails , a necklace .
- 最近,我很烦恼我唠叨的妈妈。
- Recently , I am really being bored about my garrulous mum .
- 彼得每当紧张时总是变得唠唠叨叨。
- Pete tended to become garrulous when he was nervous .
- 在嘈杂和民主制度的印度,纷扰的尘埃更容易衡量。
- In garrulous , democratic india , the fallout is easier to gauge .