- 另一个问题是,好于预期的银行业绩主要是由于减记规模小于预期;坏账率上升的慢慢折磨才刚刚开始。
- Another problem is that the better-than-expected bank results were largely the result of smaller-than-expected writedowns ; the slow grind of rising bad debts has only just begun .
- 在作坊的一端,福琛看到一个监工站在一个白瓷做成的臼的前面,把里面那些深蓝色的粉末越碾越细。
- At one end of the factory the supervisor stood over a white porcelain mortar . In the bowl was a deep blue powder , made finer and finer with each grind of the pestle .
- 他的儿子们继承了他先天的乐观主义,但是这份杂志由于曾经在网络泡沫年代广为投资,而随着这些投资泡沫被挤出和金融危机的爆发,使得今天在《福布斯》工作像是一种折磨。
- His sons share the congenital optimism , but the magazine was deeply invested the dot-com boom . After that burst and now the credit crisis , working at forbes could seem more like a grind .
- 甚至在造成波兰总统身亡的撞机事件中,我们也完全误解了波兰的政治。
- We utterly misread polish politics , even before the terrible plane crash in which the country 's president died .
- 就波兰的商界游说议员而言,在俄罗斯赚取利润的问题要比历史和公平这些繁琐的问题更加突出。
- As for the polish business lobby , profits in russia loom larger than fiddly questions about history and justice .
- 世界银行在最近进行的一次研究中,波兰的税收系统仅排在183个国家中的第151位。
- A recent study by the world bank put the polish tax system at 151st out of the 183 countries it surveyed .
- 高浓磨浆前的浆料浓缩。
- Pulp condense before h.c. whet syrup .
- 如果人不悔改,神必把他的刀磨快。神已经把弓拉开,准备妥当。
- If he turn not , he will whet his sword ; he hath bent his bow , and made it ready .
- 有钱,使鬼会挨磨。
- There is money , will make the ghost get to whet .