- 世纪一个重要的丹麦天文学家。他的地壳断裂研究让牛顿得以提出重力学理论。
- Tycho brahe : an important danish astronomer of the 16th century . His ground breaking research allowed sir isaac newton to come up with the theory of gravity .
- 不论辣椒素对你来说是一个顽童或者英雄,只要记着这些胡椒和哈瓦那辣汁引发了突破性的疼痛研究。
- Whether capsaicin is a villain or a hero to you , just remember that those jalape os and habaneros have led to ground-breaking pain research .
- 菲永先生也因自吹比他的总统老板更受欢迎而闻名。
- Mr fillon is also breaking ground by boasting better ratings than his boss .