- 我看了看我们的车和他的深褐色的眼睛,而我的司机遇到他摇了摇头无穷。
- I looked at the driver of our car and his dark brown eyes met mine while he shook his head infinitesimally .
- 矿井轨道斜巷人车安全闭锁装置的研究。
- Research of man car safety interlock device in tracked oblique lane of mine .
- 煤矿矿车轮压环冲模的改进设计
- Improved design for the die of the press ring of the mine car wheele
- 你可以今晚和你的孩子在浴缸里试试看。
- You can try it tonight with your kid in the tub .
- 想象一下一桶没有一条线或皱纹的冻酸奶吧。
- Imagine a tub of frozen yoghurt , not a single line or wrinkle .
- 当你醒来时,水还在从浴缸里出来吗?
- When you woke up , the water was coming out the tub ?
- 转向架结构要求的规定方法。
- Methods of specifying structural requirements of bogie frames .
- 有趣的是保加爱上了她扮演的角色。
- ' 'the Funny thing is that bogie feii in love with the character she piayed .
- 歌为保加留在洛杉矶家中。
- Bacall kept house for bogie at their home in los angeies .
- 几个小时后,那些留着长胡子穿着黑袍的圣僧们吃罢了丰盛的早餐完成了例行的祷告,然后推开门去驾驶联合收割机工作去了。
- A few hours later , fortified by a hearty breakfast and a reading from the lives of the saints , the long-bearded and black-robed monks head off to work , one on a combine harvester .
- 我已经等的够长了!现在,你要面对灵魂收割者了!
- I have waited long enough ! Now , you face the harvester of souls !
- 农业机械巨头国际收割机的前副董事长詹姆斯迪尔去欧洲旅游的时候,从那些大房子里得到的灵感,想要在迈阿密建一座冬天住的房子。
- When james deering , a former vice president of agricultural equipment giant international harvester , decided that he wanted a winter home in miami , he toured europe and its grand homes for inspiration .
- 城市公共交通标志公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车站牌。
- Marks for urban public transport stop board of bus and trollybus and tramcar .
- 城市轻轨车辆、有轨电车、无轨电车、公共汽车。
- City light rail vehicle , tramcar , trolleybus , bus .
- 任何人不得在任何缆车车厢上或在处所的任何其它地方作出导致滋扰或烦扰其它乘客的行为,亦不得作出职员认为相当可能会导致滋扰或烦扰其它乘客的行为。
- " No person shall conduct himself on any tramcar or in any other part of the premises so as to cause , or be likely in the opinion of an official to cause , a nuisance or annoyance to other passengers . "