- 尽管如此,因为食用石头鱼而导致死亡的案例则非常罕见,接近于零。
- However , human death from eating stonefish is rare to nonexistent .
- 山东沿海日本鬼鲉螫伤的调查研究
- Investigation on sting of stonefish ( Inimicus Japonicus ) along the coastal water of Shandong province
- 世界上毒性最强的鱼是石鱼(stonefish),它也是亚洲和热带地区的一道美食。被石鱼的致命毒针蛰到的痛感被认为是人类能够感觉到最严重的疼痛。
- The world \'s most venomous fish is the stonefish , a fixture of Asian and tropic cuisine ; its potentially fatal sting has been described as the worst pain a human can feel .
- 其研究对象包括牡蛎、鲑鱼、?及不同生态系统中的岩鱼。
- Their research objects involves oysters , salmon , and rockfish in different ecosystems .
- 因此很多鱼为了零售被改了名:菖是一种岩鱼,变成了太平洋红鲷;巴塔哥尼亚齿鱼成了智利或澳大利亚海鲈;角鲨成了岩鲑。
- Many species are therefore renamed for the retail trade : bocaccio , a kind of rockfish , becomes pacific red snapper , patagonian toothfish becomes chilean , or australian , sea bass , and dogfish becomes rock salmon .
- 潜入无人居住的深海之中,金枪鱼是最富有吸引力的,还有岩鱼,正在巡游的是篮海星在水中,这是蒙特里杰海湾,加利福尼亚州。
- Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible searover , liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish , swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of monterey bay , california .