- 我的理解相当简单。
- My understanding is quite simple .
- 耐心聆听并表示理解。
- Listen carefully and show understanding .
- 所以理解真的很有用。
- So understanding can be useful .
- 知识分子阶层已经尖锐地反对宗教。
- Intellectual fashion had turned sharply against religion .
- 知识分子的生命充满了宏大的思考。
- Intellectual life was teeming with grand ideas .
- 象棋是需高智力水平的运动项目。
- Chess is a highly intellectual game .
- 体格智能随访对婴幼儿早期发育的影响。
- Impact of constitution and intellectuality follow-up on the infant early stage development .
- 女记者的知性美与漂亮风采。
- Beautiful and beautiful elegant appearance and bearing of intellectuality of the female reporter .
- 公众知识分子化是一种名人现象,和名望和声誉的前期经济分析相关。
- Public intellectuality is a celebrity phenomenon , the nasent economic analysis of fame and reputation is pertinent .