- 应变向量为一纯量。
- The strain vector is a scalar quantity .
- •3季度每股收益指导值:5.03美元
- • Eps guidance for q3 : $ 5.03
- 每股利润:7.05美元,上涨34.2%
- Eps : $ 7.05 , up 34.2 %
- 人们现在预测,鸿海今年全年的每股收益将为2007年峰值的九成左右。
- Full-year eps is currently expected at about nine-tenths of its 2007 peak .
- 物体识别长期以来一直困扰着人工智能研究者。
- Object recognition has long troubled ai researchers .
- 艾先生自从被绑走后就没再听说过。
- Mr ai has not been heard of since being bundled away .
- wired.com:您在您的工作中运用到了人工智能吗?
- Wired.com : how have you used ai in your own work ?