- 随着北移进入亚马逊河流域,种植大豆的农民正在将大农场深入到雨林深处。
- By moving northwards into the amazon basin , soya farmers are also driving ranchers deeper into the rainforest .
- 这一座水上酒店名为阿丽娅(aria),她与姊妹游船阿珂(aqua)一同沿着秘鲁的亚马孙河畅游人生之旅!
- This five-star floating hotel , called aria , along with its sister ship the aqua , cruise along the amazon river in peru and offer the journey of a lifetime !
- 近三分之一的雨林都分布在占亚马逊河流域三分之二的巴西;有五分之一分布在刚果和印度尼西亚。
- Nearly a third of that rainforest is in brazil , which has two thirds of the amazon basin ; and a fifth is in congo and indonesia .