- 每名学生都得到一名独立的在线导师。
- Each pupil gets an individual online tutor .
- 任何一个不能跟上进度的学生都需要留级。
- Any pupil who cannot keep up has to repeat the year .
- 散大瞳孔的眼药水可能会使一小部分患有白内障的成人和儿童的症状得到短期的缓解。
- A small number of adults and children with cataracts may benefit for a short time from eyedrops that widen ( dilate ) the pupil .
- 他永远也看不厌这一景象。
- It was a sight he never tired of .
- 他被那可怕的景象吓呆了。
- Eg. he stood aghast at the terrible sight .
- 你写过一个人失去视力后的两种截然相反的结果。
- You 've written about two opposite responses to losing one 's sight .