- 即使这个机制通过了考验,在欧洲监督机构成立之前,它依然不能直接用来对银行进行资金重组。
- Assuming it passes that test , the esm cannot be used for direct bank recapitalisation until a european supervisor is put in charge .
- 两名获奖者都出生于俄罗斯,在来到曼切斯特大学这所应该顶级物理研究院之前,曾做为博士生导师及研究者共事于荷兰。
- Both researchers were born in russia and collaborated as phd supervisor and student in the netherlands before moving to manchester university , one of britain 's top physics institutes .
- 卡罗尔格蕾德,当时还是研究生,和她的导师布莱克本开始研究端粒dna的形成是否因为一种未知的酶。
- Carol greider , then a graduate student , and her supervisor blackburn started to investigate if the formation of telomere dna could be due to an unknown enzyme .
- 为信息工作引入督查反馈机制。
- For information the job introduces superintend and director to check feedback mechanism .
- 我当督查室主任的几点体会。
- I check a few experience of room director when superintend and director .
- 我们在督查方法上的有益探索。
- We check the beneficial exploration on the method in superintend and director .
- 其中包括印度央行对印度银行海外机构的自主性监管。
- This includes its willingness to supervise the foreign subsidiaries of indian banks .
- 埃及独裁者的退位留下军队来监管不确定的政权过渡。
- The egyptian autocrat 's resignation left the army to supervise an uncertain transition .
- 并且就谁来监管一类金融控股公司这一议题还没有达成共识。
- There is no consensus on who should supervise the largest financial firms .