- 这也就意谓着实际利率不可能是负值,且不合期望地过高。
- It also means that real interest rates can 't be negative , and so are undesirably high .
- 目的高尚,即表明手段正当。
- The end justifies the means .
- 手段和目的当然是紧密相连的。
- Means and ends of course are intimately related .
- 这是个常见的文学伎俩。
- This is a familiar literary trick .
- 最后一个是个小把戏。
- That last one was a trick .
- 相反,他用了个聪明的伎俩。
- Instead he pulled a smart trick .
- 谁会需要这样的装置呢?
- Who might want such a device ?
- 然后此控制装置相应地调整照明。
- The control device then adjusts the lighting accordingly .
- 我发现用这个装置是我解脱的手段。
- I perceived in this device the means of my deliverance .
- 那些折纸动物一动不动。
- The paper animals did not move .
- 我们都清楚无法为了靠近彼此而搬家。
- We both knew we couldn 't move close .
- 地球的磁极是移动的。
- The earth 's magnetic poles move .