- HPLC测定硫酸阿托品滴眼液的含量和有关物质眼罩遮盖法与阿托品疗法治疗屈光不正性弱视疗效观察
- Determination of Atropine Sulfate and Related Substances in Atropine Sulfate Eye Drops by HPLC Comparison between blinkers eyeshade occlusion and atropine therapy for the treatment of ametropic amblyopia
- 每次孩子铺完自己的床后就让他把一个补丁涂成彩色。
- Each time your child makes her bed , let her color a patch .
- 火狐浏览器,宣称是最安全的浏览器,也需要持续地打补丁。
- Firefox browser , marketed as the most secure , has to patch the code continuously .
- 如果足球协会和社会网络能够变成一个名不副实的国家,谁还会需要一块沙滩呢?
- If football authorities and social networks can turn into states of sorts , who needs a patch of sand ?