- 但它对眼睛的吸引力越来越大。
- It appeals increasingly to the eye .
- 明亮的阅读环境有助于缓解眼部疲劳。
- Using a bright book light can help reduce eye stress .
- 确保先进行眼神交流。
- Be first with eye contact .
- 此时美国需要远见与魄力。
- The moment requires boldness of vision .
- 成绩差还是视力弱?
- Bad grades or poor vision ?
- 这两种情况均表现为无痛性视力下降。
- Both present as painless vision loss .
- 但他的观点荒谬吗?
- Is his a ridiculous view ?
- 一些分析师有着不同看法。
- Some analysts have a different view .
- 汪晖赞成前一种看法。
- Wang hui espouses the former view .
- 他永远也看不厌这一景象。
- It was a sight he never tired of .
- 他被那可怕的景象吓呆了。
- Eg. he stood aghast at the terrible sight .
- 你写过一个人失去视力后的两种截然相反的结果。
- You 've written about two opposite responses to losing one 's sight .