- 这通常意味着三眼查克拉正在被唤醒,无论那些压迫感/颤动有多微弱。
- This always means that the third eye chakra is awakening , no matter how small pressure / vibration you are experiencing .
- 如果你看到发生的附属物,你们看看小而美观的紫檀雕刻,精巧的细节暴露大吃削弱.
- If you happen to see the accessory , you will find out how small yet attractive the carvings in the boxwood that exposes lavish details and intricate undercuts .
- “这是第一个重要的研究,它解释了主宰调解员基因中微小的变化可以引发串联的其它基因的新陈代谢变化,”主作者timspector在声明中说。
- " This is the first major study that shows how small changes in one master regulator gene can cause a cascade of other metabolic effects in other genes , " said lead author tim spector in a statement .