- 我们需要创新,需要不断满足消费者的期望,这将是我们关注的重点。
- We need to innovate and meet consumer expectations , and that 's going to be our focus .
- 现在,人们既可以在这里会面和宣传,也可以公开阐述自己的观点。
- Now it 's as much a place to meet and be visible as an announcement stage .
- 我们会找到见面的方法的。
- We will work out how to meet .
- 感性小妹与情人幽会秘密美图.
- Us pursues the young sister of perceptual and the lover tryst secret .
- 与性感的小女人幽会,推荐!
- With small sexy woman tryst , be recommended by !
- 从beal的电话答录机上复原的磁带记录了一些对话和留言,指向了一次充满激情却又麻烦不断的幽会。
- A tape recovered from beal 's answering machine contained messages and recorded conversations that pointed to a passionate , yet troubled , tryst .