- 由于交易员争相为复杂结构性产品的高杠杆头寸平仓,债务违约保险成本大幅上升,可以与去年夏季信贷市场动荡顶峰时的抛售相提并论。
- The sharp jump , which rivalled the sell-off at the height of last summer 's credit market turmoil , came as traders rushed to unwind highly leveraged positions in complex structured products .
- 并不是因为沙尘,而是因为缺乏完善的污水处理系统,人们产生的排泄物盛在敞开的桶里,即便在最严酷的夏日也是如此。
- Not because of sand , but because the lack of a proper sewage system means that human waste is stored in open barrels , even in the height of summer .
- 至于连裤袜,许多职业女性已经抛弃了这种装备,宁愿裸露双腿,尤其是在盛夏时节。
- As for pantyhose , many corporate women have ditched them in favor of the bare-legged look , especially in the height of summer .
- 图中右侧的仲夏柱竖起来了,标志着村里庆祝活动的开始。
- The midsummer pole ( right ) is raised to mark the beginning of the village 's festivities .
- 时值仲夏,他觉得窗户外面的空气应该有海的味道。
- It was midsummer . He thought the air outside his window ought to smell like the sea .
- 英语则学习诸如莎士比亚的仲夏夜之梦,此外还有数学,游泳和瑜伽。
- English , such as william shakespeare 's a midsummer night 's dream , is also taught along with math , swimming and yoga .
- 图中右侧的仲夏柱竖起来了,标志着村里庆祝活动的开始。
- The midsummer pole ( right ) is raised to mark the beginning of the village 's festivities .
- 时值仲夏,他觉得窗户外面的空气应该有海的味道。
- It was midsummer . He thought the air outside his window ought to smell like the sea .
- 英语则学习诸如莎士比亚的仲夏夜之梦,此外还有数学,游泳和瑜伽。
- English , such as william shakespeare 's a midsummer night 's dream , is also taught along with math , swimming and yoga .