- 我从来不会从独立商店里偷东西。
- I would never steal from independent shops .
- 很多革命的一大教训就是其革命果实易被窃取。
- One big lesson of revolutions is that they are easy to steal .
- 事实上,人们甚至会去偷。
- In fact people would even steal it .
- 戴维斯声称他打死的人企图对他实施抢劫。
- He says the men he shot were attempting to rob him .
- 他们会承认他们必须抢张三来付李四。
- They will admit that they must rob peter to pay paul .
- 一匿名者向警方报告有人打算抢银行。
- Eg. someone unknown tipped off the police about the plan to rob the bank .
- 虽然有些谣传说总统正在鼓起勇气要撤换总理,但姆拜尼马拉马准将最终篡夺总统宝座的可能性似乎更大一些。
- Though some claim that the president is plucking up courage to remove the prime minister , commodore bainimarama is more likely eventually to usurp the position of the president .
- 作者克莱舍基是从戏剧导演转行的互联网作家,他宣称公共网页如维基百科令一些传统机构变得多余起来,并预言博客很快就会篡夺主流新闻媒体手中的信息分配权。
- Shirky , a theatre director turned internet evangelist , claimed communal websites such as wikipedia made traditional institutions redundant , and predicted that bloggers would soon usurp mainstream news outlets as distributors of information .
- 批评家表示,这种委员会侵犯了选举产生的市政府的权力。
- Critics say such councils usurp the power of elected municipal governments .