- 以电脑断层评估亚洲族群的颞颚关节窝角度。
- Assessments of inclinations of the glenoid fossa by computed tomography in an asian population .
- 以电脑断层评估亚洲族群的颞颚关节窝角度。
- Assessments of inclinations of the glenoid fossa by computed tomography in an asian population .
- najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。
- Najash retained a sacrum , a bony feature that supported the pelvis .
- 下面是骨盆前倾时会产生另一个负面情况:肚子突出,使人看起来有5个月身孕。
- Here 's the other unseemly thing that happens when your pelvis tilts forward : your belly protrudes making you look 5 months pregnant .
- 最新的研究把重点放在研究人类进化最有说服力的结构部位:脑,骨盆,手和脚。
- The new studies centre on the most telling bits of anatomy in the story of human evolution : the brain , pelvis , hands and feet .