- 你能否在世界一流的博物馆,如卢浮宫中找着呢?
- Can you find it in the world-class museums , such as the louver ?
- 带金属板条绳索制成的水平百叶窗遮帘。
- Corded horizontal louver blinds with metal slat .
- 百叶窗的柔和曲线的胶合板创建其自身的结构支撑和刚度,同时围绕日光其轮廓。
- The gentle curve of the plywood louver creates its own structural brace and rigidity while softening the daylight around its profile .
- t恤的特别之处在于有一根细绳,你可以拉动它,就能把窗帘拉开了。
- Unusual t-shirt comes with a string which you can pull to open the blinds .
- 她说灯光从百叶窗四周照进来让她睡不着。
- She says it shines in around the blinds and keeps her awake .
- 可微调的光照控制加上窗帘的使用和维修将轻而易举地改善这些问题。
- More fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing of blinds could easily ameliorate these issues .
- 在严丝合缝的遮光板外,阳光令人眩目。
- The daylight is dazzling outside the emphatically closed window shutter .
- 采用“主动”技术的电视便宜一点,但是要求观看者佩戴一种类似百叶窗原理的眼镜。
- An ' active ' television will cost less , but will require special ' shutter ' glasses .
- 摄影提示:烟花摄影中要求较长的曝光时间意味着较慢的快门速度。
- Photo tip : the long exposures required for firework photography mean slow shutter speeds .