- 想弄到降落的跑道比较困难了。
- Getting hold of landing slots is difficult .
- 他着陆的地点正好是目标物!
- He 's landing right on the target !
- 预计着陆日期为6月1日。
- Landing is scheduled for june 1 .
- 将近300居尸体在海啸后被推上岸,并且东北部的海岸线火势在蔓延。
- Up to 300 bodies were washed ashore after the tsunami , and fires have raged along the north-eastern coastline .
- 当前灾难在墨西哥湾的影响范围,直接取决于泄漏原油靠岸的地点。
- The scale of the current disaster in the gulf of mexico will be directly related to where the oil comes ashore .
- 当蒂姆给一个岛国居民打电话,向他们征求靠岸的许可时,他们问道“你们在哪?”
- When tim telephoned an islander to ask permission to bring guests ashore , the question came back , " where are you ? "
- 这艘船现在停靠在西爪哇岛,船上的乘客拒绝上岸。
- Now moored in west java , its passengers are refusing to disembark .
- 游客上岸后漫步阳朔的街市,那里渔民将试图让你付款购买他们的鸬鹚。
- Passengers disembark on market street in yangshuo , where the fishermen will try to get you to pay to pose with their cormorants .
- 游客下船后可以去钓帝王蟹,这是当地的美味,也可以去俄国边界参观。
- After passengers disembark , there is the chance to go fishing for king crabs , the local delicacy , or to visit the russian border .