- 二手烟还会导致伴有浓痰和气喘的慢性咳嗽,造成眼睛和鼻子的过敏反应。
- Secondhand smoke also causes chronic coughing , phlegm and wheezing , as well as eye and nose irritation .
- 绿色痰意味着你已经受到感染,通常发生在肺部和体内微出血的情况下。
- Green phlegm color means you have been infected and is commonly observed in cases of pneumonia and internal micro-bleedings .
- 白痰大多意味着病毒感染,当然也有可能是细菌感染。
- White phlegm indicates mostly a viral infection , however it can be a bacterial infection too .
- 如果医生作体检或胸x射线检查发现肺炎证据时,一般才进行痰液检查。
- Sputum is generally only examined if doctors find evidence of pneumonia on a chest x-ray or during the examination .
- 测试结果证明探头极其灵敏,它可以对少于10个tb病菌的未经处理的痰作出反应。
- The resulting test proved to be extremely sensitive and can detect fewer than ten tb bacteria in unprocessed human sputum .
- 只是意味着炎症细胞已经侵入呼吸道使痰液变色。
- Color change means only that cells associated with inflammation have moved into the airway and are coloring the sputum .