- 凯利先生如此直接地将自己的理论同一个疯子不着边际的胡言乱语加以比较,此举着实大胆。
- It is daring of mr kelly to invite such a direct comparison of his theories to the ramblings of a madman .
- 他表示,这一系列的袭击更像是一个疯子所为,而跟国际恐怖组织似乎没有太大关系。
- He said the attacks appeared to be the work of a lone madman , without links to any international terrorist networks .
- 你的下半辈子将会像个疯子一样在城市里狂奔,这样你才不会失礼。
- You will spend the rest of your life running across town like a madman so you don 't breach protocol .
- 恰恰相反,它正以疯狂的速度发展着。
- On the contrary : it is progressing at a lunatic pace .
- 对很多人来说,能源改革计划是一场疯狂的赌博,赌注是该国强大的制造业。
- To many the energiewende is a lunatic gamble with the country 's manufacturing prowess .
- 情况很糟糕空前地糟糕,因此我们需要考虑采取激进的举措,那些大约一年前还被认为是疯狂的举措。
- Things are bad unprecedentedly bad so we need to consider radical actions and actions that would have been thought lunatic a year or so ago .