- 该雨刷的晶体管、电阻器和电容器的配置与卡恩斯的设计完全相同。
- It used a transistor a resistor and a capacitor in the same configuration that kearns had designed .
- 有人可能会告诉我这里或那里需要一个电阻器,或者我要给一些芯片升级他们很可能是对的但迄今为止维持原样它们也运行得很好。
- Someone will probably be along to tell me I need a resistor here or there or I 'm going to blow some chip up-and they 're likely right-but it seems to have worked so far as-is .
- 然后他却发现了某些东西:一个除了由电阻,电容和电感组成的标准三重奏之外的第四个基本电路元件。
- And he found something missing : a fourth basic circuit element besides the standard trio of resistor , capacitor and inductor .
- 主仆式机械手臂之阻抗控制。
- Impedance control of the master-slave manipulator .
- 一个基于物理模型的生物电阻抗断层成像系统的研究。
- Research of the system for electrical impedance tomography based on physical phantom .
- 具有高充电和放电能力以及低阻抗生长的锂充电电池。
- Lithium secondary cell with high charge and discharge rate capability and low impedance growth .