- nasa的目标是能够清楚描述出为什么日冕的温度要高于太阳表面温度上百倍,为什么其会产生加速太阳风。
- Nasa 's goals are to figure out why the sun 's corona is several hundred times hotter than the surface and why it produces an accelerating solar wind .
- 日珥在光球层处被固定在太阳表面,而当它向外延伸至太阳的热外大气层时就称作日冕。
- Prominences are anchored to the sun 's surface in the photosphere , and extend outwards into the sun 's hot outer atmosphere , called the corona .
- 日全食期间能看见的只有太阳上部相对模糊的大气,被称为日冕。
- All that 's visible during totality is the sun 's relatively faint upper atmosphere , called the corona .