- 它也是利口酒的调味品。
- It is also flavoring cointreau liqueur .
- 茨瓦克独角:在过去的150多年中,40种混合的匈牙利草药被用来创建利口酒独角。
- Zwack unicum : for over 150 years , a blend of 40 hungarian herbs has been used to create the liqueur unicum .
- 监控录像显示这帮人在舞池里喝了不少啤酒,唱足球歌曲,并灌那种jammydonut鸡尾酒--这种可怕的玩意儿用百利酒、覆盆子利口酒和糖浆调制而成。
- Cctv footage shows the group drinking bottles of beer on the dancefloor , singing football songs and downing those jammy donut shots , a grisly thing made with baileys , raspberry liqueur and sugar syrup .
- 最后,我决定当地那个破旧的酒吧坐坐,用朗姆酒灌醉自己。
- Then I decided to visit the shabby local bar and get drunk on rum .
- 想要浓郁的朗姆风味,那牙买加黑朗姆酒是最佳选择。
- Dark jamaican rum is the best type to use here , to get a full rum flavor .
- 招待客人的丰盛午餐开始了,曼蒂姆比站在坑洼土地的高处,高兴地大口喝着家酿的朗姆酒。
- As guests were served an ample lunch mr. mandimby stood on a high perch in the hilly ground happily flooding himself with homemade rum .