- 这些马达最多能产生9千瓦,或者说12马力的能量这同莱特兄弟的飞机所有的能量差不多。
- These can produce a maximum of 9 kilowatts , or 12 horsepower-which is about the same amount of power that the wright brothers had .
- 安装制冷额定电功率30千瓦以上空调设备的,应当按照建设项目环境保护的有关规定办理申请审批手续。
- To install air-conditioning equipment with a rated refrigerating power of above 30 kilowatts , application shall be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with the provisions in the construction project with respect to the environmental protection .
- 只有支出在碳补偿上的每一美元真正转变成绿色千瓦数量的增长,基于可再生能源技术的碳补偿才真正有效,正是每一个碳补偿提供者将绿色千瓦输送到了电网中。
- Offsets based on renewable energy technology only work if every dollar spent on an offset actually translates into an increase in the number of green kilowatts a provider pumps onto the grid-tricky to verify if the offset provider is half a world away .
- 虚证便秘患者肛管直肠压力测定及益气润肠液对其影响。
- Effect of reinforcing qi and moistening intestine oral liquid on anorectal manometry of asthenia type constipation patients .
- 孕妈咪吃还可以益气、助消化及促进胎宝宝大脑健康发育。
- Bulletin boards can also eat qi , aid digestion and promote the healthy development of your baby brain .
- 我对齐白石的画很着迷,这幅可爱的小虾图就是他绘画中一个可爱的典范。
- I 'm crazy about the paintings of qi baishi , and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work .