- 这次演示飞行对于nasa让战神火箭于2016年投入使用的计划具有里程碑式的意义。
- The demonstration flight is a milestone in nasa 's plans to ready the ares rockets for service in 2016 .
- 温特斯表示,发射战神1号-x对天气条件的要求比发射航天飞机的要求更为的严格。
- Winters said ares i-x 's weather requirements were more stringent than the conditions needed to launch the space shuttle .
- 美国航天局和阿连特技术系统公司在亚利桑那州的美国陆军靶场成功地进行了战神i号的主要的降落伞群试验。
- Nasa and atk successfully conducted an ares I main cluster parachute test at the u.s. army proving grounds in yuma , arizona .
- 一家政策分析公司wrightsonicap的loucrandall认为这些储备中有一半最终流往欧洲银行在美国设立的分行。
- Lou crandall of wrightson icap , a research firm , reckons that half of those reserves have ended up with the american subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks .
- 他们说lou人按照巴希尔政府的要求,不停地到处袭击他们的周围地区,包括南部的murle。
- They say the lou have been attacking their neighbours on all sides , including the murle to the south , at the behest of mr bashir 's government .
- 楼继伟近日表示,剩下的大部分资金将用于购买公开交易的产品,不过其中一部分可能用于更直接的股权投资。
- Most of the rest will be dedicated to publicly traded products , although some could be used for more direct stakes , mr lou said yesterday .