- 第二个原因是食物。
- The second reason is food .
- 报告没有给出令人信服的理由。
- It gives no convincing reason .
- 欧洲有理由感到担忧。
- Europe has reason to worry .
- 但我们的论证并未到此结束。
- But the argument does not end there .
- 但是他输掉了论据。
- But he lost the argument .
- 我的论证提出了一些有趣的问题。
- My argument raises some interesting questions .
- 伊朗接二连三的破坏核安全规定,这无疑为终止核贸易提供了一个正当的理由。
- And iran 's repeated breach of nuclear safeguards is surely justification for ending nuclear trade with its regime .
- 然而正是对光明的眷恋成了我正当的理由:它向我展示了另一个世界、展示了我真正的故乡。
- But this very nostalgia for light is my justification : it speaks to me of another world , of my true homeland .
- 新兴市场此前曾表示,将世行行长职位留给美国人担任这一传统缺乏正当的理由。
- Emerging markets have said before that there is no justification for the custom of reserving the bank 's top position for an american .