- 之前所知最遥远的天体是一次短期的伽玛射线暴。
- The previously known most distant object was a short-lived gamma ray burst .
- 当这些电子被大气中的分子所偏转时,它们会发射出伽玛射线。
- When these electrons are deflected by molecules in the atmosphere , they emit gamma rays .
- 当伽玛射线撞击地球的高层大气时,就会产生高能量的大气簇射。
- As the gamma rays impact the upper atmosphere they produce air showers of high-energy particles .
- 诉讼案件似乎没有影响卡迪俱乐部在新址的生意。
- And lawsuits do not appear to have slowed business at ka de club 's new location .
- 卡迪俱乐部在两年内被迫3次搬家,目前已更换了经营名称。
- Ka de club has been forced to change location three times in two years and now operates under a different name .
- 当年曾被视为偶像的松下幸之助、杰克韦尔奇等实业家不再时髦,人们更津津乐道的是巴菲特、索罗斯和李嘉诚。
- Konosuke matsushita , jack welch , once worshipped as idoles are now no fashion , replaced by buffett , soros , li ka shing .