- 许多滑雪者也使用黄色的眼镜,用以看清白茫茫雪地。
- Many skiers use amber sunglasses too , to help see detail in white banks of snow .
- 这颗树脂最终变成了琥珀,一颗包含了美丽与信息的时光胶囊。
- The resin turned to amber , a time capsule both beautiful and informative .
- 警方表示他们在四个月前收到了一条有关人体脂肪买卖的内幕消息,声称这些黄褐色的液体将被作为防皱护肤霜出口至欧洲。
- Police said they received a tip four months ago about a trade in human fat , which exported the amber liquid to europe as anti-wrinkle cream .
- 一个七岁小姑娘够聪明的,是不是?
- Pretty smart for a nipper of seven , eh ?
- 他是个小赖皮.
- He 's a cheeky little nipper .
- 他从小就认识这个地方。
- He 's known the place since he was a nipper .