- 现代主义者热烈庆祝摄影的出现,把它视为更好地留住自然美景的里程碑。
- The advent of photography was celebrated as a milestone in the modernist quest to capture nature better .
- 这种视觉模式既不同于传统哲学中以主体为中心、排除欲望的视觉观念,也不同于现代主义中视觉的抽象化和形式化倾向。
- " Apollonian vision " differs from the classical idea of vision , which is characterized by a desire-excluded subject . It also distinguishes itself from the abstracting and formalizing tendency in the modernist visional conception .
- 用来展示卡塔尔伊斯兰教美术收藏品,现代主义阿拉伯绘画,摄影,铠甲和自然历史的新博物馆也都是整个计划的一部分。
- New museums to showcase qatar 's collections of islamic art , modernist arab painting , photography , armour and natural history are all part of the plan .