- 由于我们身处星盘之中,光带看起来环绕着地球。
- Since we are inside this disk , the band appears to encircle the earth .
- 自打那开始,奥巴马政府就按部就班地包围削弱德黑兰政体。
- Since then his administration has worked methodically to weaken and encircle the regime , in tehran .
- 类似的潜没地带环绕着太平洋,因此,东起安第斯山脉西至太平洋西部的一连串的火山被冠之以“太平洋火圈”的诨号。
- Similar subduction zones encircle the pacific , earning the chains of volcanoes that stretch from the andes to the western pacific the collective moniker ring of fire .
- 围绕在积极的人群旁。
- Surround yourself in positive people .
- 铺好的路面围绕着大片的空地。
- Paved roads surround acres of empty lots .
- 超过150个这类天体围绕我们的银河系。
- More than 150 of these objects surround our milky way galaxy .