- 但不变的,是他的奸诈狡猾。
- Yet he was no less cunning .
- 这就是它的狡猾之处。
- Yep that is cunning all right .
- 狡猾的西方金融业用那些“次级”材料批量生产此类资产,后果现在大家都知道了。
- Our cunning financial sector fabricated such assets wholesale , from those " subprime " ingredients , with results we now see .
- 如果所有的战争开销都是通过狡诈地向国外贷款和罪恶的通货膨胀来支付的呢?
- What if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing ?
- 我从没见亨廷顿做过任何骗人的或是恶意的事情,也从没见他为了权力或后门或方便而牺牲他的原则。
- I never saw sam huntington do anything deceitful or malicious , never saw him sacrifice his principles for power or access or expedience .
- 正如耶利米所写:人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?
- As jeremiah writes , " the heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked : who can know it ? "
- 他比政客更擅长记名字,诡计多端,并且为他同意代言的影片代言时燃烧着火一般的激情。
- He remembers names better than a politician is crafty in his strategies and burns with a fiery zeal on behalf of those films he consents to represent .
- 印度从原来缓慢经济,狡黠管理的问题发展到现在出现系统性的坏账问题,尽管如此,这也算一个飞跃。
- It is a big leap , though , from a slowing economy and a crafty regulator to a systemic bad-debt problem .
- 华懋慈善基金的法律团队一直试图将陈振聪形容为“精于算计且诡计多端”,并称他伪造了自己的家庭、教育和职业背景。
- The foundation 's legal team has sought to portray mr chan as " calculated and crafty " , and has argued that he misrepresented his family , educational and professional backgrounds .