- 在黑暗的夜晚里,犀牛走近水池,一头母牛和她的小牛。
- In the darkness of night two rhinoceros approached the water-hole , a mother and her calf .
- 在这个岛上还能找到犀牛,一种比大象小一点的动物,可是比水牛大。
- In this island is also found the rhinoceros , an animal less than the elephant , but larger than the buffalo .
- 英航给员工的选择相当于问他们是愿意被一头犀牛坐在屁股底下,还是愿意在船上喝茶。
- Ba is asking staff the equivalent of whether they would rather be sat on by a rhinoceros or have tea on the river .