- 母牛犊被不断地补充进畜群,公牛犊则通常被送去牛犊饲养区,一个它们悲惨生存的地方,直至它们被送去屠宰。
- Female calves are kept to replenish the herd and male calves are usually sent to veal crates where they live a miserable existence until their slaughter .
- 由于水源受到污染,她们只好卖掉60头奶牛的畜群,到农场外找工作。
- The contaminated water forced the family to sell its herd of 60 dairy cows and take jobs off the farm .
- 牧群感染已经出现在了加拿大、澳大利亚、阿根廷、爱尔兰、英国以及挪威。
- Herd infections were already reported in canada , australia , argentina , ireland , britain and norway .
- 他希望演唱会推广者能为他找一处远离市区的16英亩的房子,这样孩子们就可以过田园般的生活。
- He wanted promoters to find him a 16-acre estate far from the city so the kids would have a pastoral setting .
- 田园风光式的环境是专门为精英们的孩子保留的这些精英都是副部级以上的党内官员。
- Its pastoral setting was reserved for children of the elite-party officials above the rank of vice minister .
- 这是一种田园般的风景,人们从中很难看出这家印度最知名的it集团正发生着什么的剧变。
- It is a pastoral scene and one that gives few hints of the corporate drama unfolding within india 's most celebrated it group .
- 我的祖父是高级牧师,我是他的祭坛侍童。
- My grandfather was the high priest and I his altar boy .
- 但在火坛和祭司面前,是的,你知道事情下一步该怎么发展了。
- But add a fire and a priest , and well , you see where this is going .
- 从他们一半之中,要取出来交给祭司以利亚撒,作为耶和华的举祭。
- Take this tribute from their half share and give it to eleazar the priest as the lord 's part .