- 这就好像种一棵橡树,任其生长:它会越长越粗壮,根深深地扎入土壤,根本无法铲除。
- Its almost like planting an oak tree seed , and leaving it to grow : it will grow and become big and strong , and the roots go so deep into the ground it is almost impossible to uproot .
- 研究人员发现,为受损肌肉移植经过特殊处理的修复干细胞不仅能使肌肉更强大,而且能阻止其老化。
- Researchers have discovered that transplanting specially treated repair stem cells into damaged muscle makes them twice as big and strong and also stops them from ageing .
- 让每一样东西都变得更强烈、纯净。
- Make everything twice as big and strong and pure .