- 未经海关许可,擅自更换车辆(车辆发动机、车牌号码)、驾驶员;改装车厢、车体的。
- Changing any vehicle ( vehicle engine , or number of license plate ) or driver unlawfully without the permission of the customs house , or reassembling the carriage or bodywork .
- jobs非常富有,是个过时的名人,但是从来不会在车牌上写关于他孩子诸如此类可爱的事情。
- Jobs was fabulously wealthy , dated celebrities , and didn 't write cute things about his kids on his license plate .
- 宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡(harrisburg)的phantomplateinc.的产品包括售价每罐29.99美元的photoblocker喷雾剂,以及用于掩盖牌照的塑胶薄膜photoshield。
- Phantom plate inc. , a harrisburg , pa. , company , sells photoblocker spray at $ 29.99 a can and photoshield , a plastic skin for a license plate .