- 借此机会,望贵公司认真研究一下我们修订的陈年葡萄酒价目表。
- We take this opportunity of calling your attention to our revised price-list , as annexe , for old vintage .
- 他准备照付经销商开出的价格(约33600美元),虽然一家别克经销商为他也在考虑的君越(lacrosse)轿车提供了折扣价。
- He was preparing to pay the dealer 's list price , about $ 33600 , even though a buick dealer offered a discount for a lacrosse car , which he also considered .
- 根据指定日期的产品标价计算特定产品的批发价的标量函数。
- Scalar function calculating the dealer price for a specific product based on the list price of the product on a specified date .