- 在早晨的几个小时呆在室内,这时候花粉在空气中含量是最高的。
- Stay indoors in the morning hours when pollen counts are at their highest .
- 这个蜜蜂就这样为这两种兰花传粉,并保持各自花粉的独立性。
- The same bee thus serves two different species and keeps the pollen separate .
- 人身体内对过敏原都有一个特定的界限,比如花粉或动物的皮屑。
- Your body may have a threshold for a particular allergen , such as pollen or animal dander .
- 这可不是寻常时刻。
- This is no ordinary moment .
- 这又不是什么秘密。
- The recipe is no secret .
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- No button to skip intro .