- 莱因哈德莫恩似乎从来不屑于资本主义的红牙血爪。
- Capitalism red in tooth and claw never seemed to appeal to reinhard mohn .
- 一个有效率的破产程序是红牙红爪资本主义的重要组成部分。
- An efficient bankruptcy process is an essential part of capitalism red in tooth and claw .
- 只要通过教宠物不要跳到家具上,不要用爪子抓,用嘴咬或者划伤家具,它就会一生避免这样的不良行为。
- Often by simply teaching your animal friend not to jump on , claw , bite or scratch your furniture , hey will avoid this bad behavior for their entire lifetime .
- 这是一只特别的蛾子,它的“鼻子”由于长的过长而蜷曲起来,就像人类的指甲也会生长的过长一样。
- Like a human fingernail allowed to grow entirely too long , the ' nose ' of this particular moth curls into itself .
- 电脑芯片只有指甲盖般大小,却包含了数以百万计的晶体管,而将这些晶体管连接到其他工作单元、主板和电脑其他部分的线路更是不计其数。
- Computer chips are only about the size of a fingernail , yet contain hundreds of millions of transistors , not to mention all the wiring needed to connect those transistors into a working machine and connect it to a motherboard and the rest of the world .
- 人体已经被用来作为各种艺术的画布,也许比这更有趣、更难得的是,用人身体的各组成部分作为艺术创造的原料,头发做成的雕塑,把人骨和手指甲削凿后做出具动态效果的尸体雕塑。
- The human body has been used as a canvas for all sorts of art , but perhaps more interesting and rare is the use of human body parts as artistic media , from sculptures made of hair , bones and fingernail parings to plasticized corpses in dynamic poses .
- 我还以为你在塔龙。
- I thought you were at the talon .
- 在塔龙餐厅又发生一次。
- It happened again at the talon .
- 这个小镇不再是合适地点了。
- The talon 's no longer a good fit .