- 七年前,威克森林大学的生物化学家崔政正在进行一个常规的试验:他给试验鼠注射一种攻击性很强的癌细胞,致死率100%。
- Seven years ago , biochemist zheng cui of wakeforestuniversitywas conducting a routine experiment , injecting test mice with a strain of cancer cells so aggressive it caused a 100 percent death rate .
- 就在赶往飞机场的路上,老崔路遇一个醉酒劫车的女孩小夏,老崔本是盛情辅佐小夏,却把自己卷进了一串贫苦……在一路履历了一次次危急之后,两人起头相互明白,成了伴侣。
- In the rush to the airport on the way , old cui lu yu a drunk girl little summer carjacking , old cui this is the kind helping small summer and put her into a bunch of trouble roll with ...... experienced a second crisis , they began to understand each other , became friends .
- 崔教授将这些碳纳米管与电池相连接,并使含有导致水污染的一种常见细菌大肠杆菌的水流经其中。
- To do that dr cui connected them to a battery and ran water containing e. coli , a common bacterial contaminant of water , through them .