- 他在地上发现了燧石碎片数量非常之多。
- On the ground he saw flint chips-huge numbers of them .
- 三件人类的脑壳用燧石器具精细地剔掉了皮肤并进行了打磨,其中两个是成人的,一个是儿童的。
- The three human braincases , two from adults and one from a child , were carefully skinned and cleaned with flint tools .
- federmesser文明以其独特的燧石石瓣工具闻名,而阿伦斯堡人以其捕兽本领闻名。
- The federmesser culture is known for its distinctive flint blade tools , while the ahrensburg people were famous for their animal-hunting prowess .
- 你会为我是谁而自豪吗
- A e you p oud of who I am ?
- 其它卡塔尔的乐器包括乌得琴和雷贝琴,都属于弦乐器,还有阿拉伯人长笛。
- Other instruments played in qatar include the oud and rebaba , both string instruments , as well as the arabian flute .