- 很明显,华尔街的大佬们依然可以从那些历史悠久的公司燃烧的残骸中,从国民经济冒烟的废墟中全身而退。
- The wall streeters can apparently walk away from both the flaming wreckage of their storied firms and the smoking remains of the national economy .
- bbc电视台还播放了某熊熊燃烧的大楼顶上、索尼标识被烧毁的画面。
- Bbc tv showed a sony sign crumbling on top of the flaming building .
- 这种机器将巨大的石头、燃烧的沥青桶、甚至被斩下的敌人的头颅抛出去。
- The machines lobbed giant stones , flaming barrels of pitch and even the decapitated heads of enemies .
- 现在欧元已经着火了,保守党中不看好欧元的人希望停在消防站门前,那就是中止支持欧元的条约,直到欧盟将大权交给英国。
- Now that the euro is ablaze , some tory eurosceptics want to park in front of the fire station , blocking treaty changes aimed at shoring up the currency unless the eu returns swathes of powers to british control .
- 格林伯格称aig状况良好或许是正确的(尽管我对此表示怀疑),但它毫无疑问着火了。
- Mr greenberg may be correct that aig was well built ( although I differ on that ) but it was indisputably ablaze .
- 警官说,在罗切斯特市外的韦伯斯特镇(webster),嫌犯被人发现死于着火的房子附近。
- The suspected shooter was found dead near the property that was set ablaze in the town of webster , a community outside the city of rochester , police officials said .
- 暴躁的龙而非可爱的熊猫。
- Fiery dragon rather than cuddly panda .
- 在台上,俄罗斯政治反对阵营的各个领导人作出激烈的演讲。
- On the stage , the diverse leaders of russia 's political opposition gave fiery speeches .
- 但是平时温厚的阿巴斯,却在一次电视演讲中激烈的表示,绝没有这种可能。
- But in a fiery television speech the normally mild mr abbas seemed to rule this out .