- 她的办公室里堆满了东西,比如一件17世纪的银制祭坛装饰,被文物贩子熔化为小块后出售。
- Her office has stumbled upon items , such as a 17th-century silver altar ornament , that were sold to be melted down as scrap .
- 每一堆都包含着一件多年前购买的装饰物以及与之相配套的其他装饰品。
- Each pile contained an ornament along with its matching brothers and sisters from sets purchased many years ago .
- 这是因为它们的主要食物乳草被越来越多的用于园林装饰。
- This is because their staple food , milkweed , is being used more and more as a garden ornament .
- 看看是不是皮肤变的通透水润了。
- See if the skin become fully water embellish .
- 人们习惯于在他们的申请上面做修饰,试图来影响雇佣决定。
- People do regularly embellish their applications in an attempt to influence hiring decisions .
- 作者有责任润色并使其变得更复杂,甚至去偷窃。
- Tellers have a duty to embellish and elaborate , even to steal .
- 南方人开始建立起这些石冢以装饰花园,可北方人满腹牢骚地说这是对传统文化的辱骂。
- Southerners have taken to erecting these cairns to adorn their gardens . Northerners grumble that this is an abuse of their traditional culture .
- 除此之外,你还可以用羽毛、珠子、漂亮的扣子、不同的布料或者小布花来装饰你的拖鞋。
- Alternatively , adorn them with feathers and beads , pretty buttons , different fabric mixes or fabric flowers .
- 有的建筑物屋顶是呈阶梯状的平顶,每个屋角上都是一个白色的水泥三角形,与用来装饰传统羌族建筑的白色石头相映衬。
- Other buildings are topped with flat roof terraces , a white concrete triangle in each corner , echoing the white stones that adorn traditional qiang architecture .