- 投机因素似乎还没有那么重要。
- Speculation seems not to be that important .
- 至于他们消失的原因有好多种推测。
- There is widespread speculation about what caused their disappearance .
- 当然,如此这般的推测是十分可笑的。
- Such speculation is utterly ludicrous , of course .
- 时间将告诉我们,facebook到底值不值得大肆宣传,以及冒失的天价估值。
- Time will tell if facebook is worth all the hype and its fresh massive valuation .
- 实际情况和大肆宣传的截然相反,我们评估大脑活动的手段还有很大的空白需要填补。
- Contrary to the hype , our tools for measuring human brain activity leave a lot to be desired .
- 就信息技术而言,我认为,当时的大肆宣传完全是合理的只不过为时过早而已。
- As far as it is concerned , I believe that the hype at the time was fully justified just premature .
- 电视新闻为满足阅听人视觉与听觉的刺激需求,甚至将贫穷新闻感官戏剧化,以取悦阅听人为职志,忽略深入报导贫穷问题成因及解决之道。
- Tv news attempts to sensationalize and dramatizing poverty news in order to meet audience 's needs of visual and hearing sensation-seeking which , in turn , makes tv news ignore to cover the causes and solutions of poverty .
- 媒体习惯了危言耸听和简化叙事。
- The media will always sensationalize and simplify a story .
- 电视节目再现犯罪过程的时候,别用耸人听闻的方式,这点很重要。
- It 's important not to sensationalize crimes when they are reconstructed for television programmes .