- 冢本说,如果这种疗法证明是有效的,就可能把神经干细胞应用于多发性硬化症、脑性麻痹和阿尔茨海默氏病的治疗。
- Tsukamoto says that if the therapy proves efficacious it could lead to neural stem cell treatments for multiple sclerosis , cerebral palsy , and alzheimer 's disease .
- 在每棵大白菜中加入约40克山楂制成的泡菜可以有效地增强心脏功能,具有降低血压,软化血管,阻止胆固醇吸收,促进动物脂肪消化等作用。
- The kimchi with about 40g fruit of crataegus pinnatifida per head of cabbage is efficacious for heart stimulation , depression of the blood pressure , extension of the blood vessel , prevention against the cholesterol absorption , promotion of animal fat foodstuff digestion and so on .
- 这些项目的标准包括存在性的可靠检查以及有效的治疗方法。
- Criteriafor inclusion in the panel are the existence of a reliable screenand an efficacious treatment
- 这种执行力需要更有效的控制。
- The executive power needs a more effective check .
- 一次演示比任何争论都要有效的多。
- A demonstration is much more effective than an argument .
- 治理是最有效的工具来解决这一冲突。
- Governance is the most effective tool to resolve this conflict .
- 而且也不那么准确。
- And not all that accurate .
- 因为这些数据都不准确。
- Because they wouldn 't be accurate .
- 你们的模拟有多精确?
- How accurate are your simulations ?