- 这是奉献与单纯的绝望之间一条很好的分界线。
- It 's a very fine line between devotion and plain desperation .
- 作为一个有三个小孩的离异母亲,她敬佩他对他家庭的忠诚。
- As a divorced mother of three , she admires his devotion to his family .
- 我想像不到有任何其它形式的教育,能够赢得毕业生们如此强烈的热爱。
- I can think of no other form of education that inspires such fervent devotion from its graduates .
- 它是一次瞩目的研究,关于灵性和牺牲,关于人的信仰在荒蛮现实挑战前如何应对。
- It is a remarkable study of spirituality and sacrifice , and how men of faith cope when their ideals are challenged by violent reality .
- 机会,而非义务,才是宗教的基础、灵性的基础。
- Opportunity , not obligation , is the cornerstone of religion , the basis of spirituality .
- 但即使在实在之下真的有部分不可知的实在,我也不能确信,何以这意味着灵性是一种通向这部分实在的可行方式。
- But even if there is a partially unknowable reality beneath reality , I 'm not sure how that implies that spirituality is a viable means to access it .